Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Idioms was a new topic I learned about. The topic is interesting because there are a whole bunch of idioms  you can use. There are like a a hundred of idioms out there in the world. How it affects my language beliefs was it teaches me what kind of expressions I use.


 I think I should practice what some of these idioms mean. People probably shouldn't use idioms  because people might look at you like you're crazy. I never heard of the word idiom. I thought that the word idiom was the same thing as an idiot. 


This wraps up my blog on what are idioms. Idioms does sound like an interesting topic. Idioms taught me things new expressions. Idioms taught me what some of these expressions mean. I also learned that idioms are the same things as expressions.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Interpretation of Data

The data shows that people don't know a lot about idioms. It also sounds like the idiom questions I gave these people were too hard to understand. It probably means that some people probably never heard of an idiom.


I already interviewed three people. I came up with different answers when I interviewed these people. Some of these people didn't understand what they mean. I got three different answers on idioms like stuck in the woods. My three different answers for that question were in a spot where you didn't know, lost, and i have no idea. Answers for blow hot or cold are don't know this either, never he, and I don't know. Answers for new kid on block are new to something, the new kid in town just moved in, and new kid in town. Answers for apple of one's eye are never heard it, person you like, and I know this but I can't remember. Answers for cross your fingers are hope for good luck, pray that something happens, and hope for something. Answers for off the hook are wild and crazy, when the phone is off the hook so you can't call and not in trouble. Answers for pipe down are cool down, be quiet, and chill out. It turns out that a lot of people don't know a lot of idioms or hardly any idioms. It also sounds like people don't even know these idioms mean. 

Friday, October 10, 2008

Primary Research

I will interview 3 people. The three people will be Britt, Evan, and Scott. How I will interview them is I will ask them to name some idioms and explain what they mean.

What does stuck in the woods mean?
What does blow hot or blow cold mean?
What does new kid on block mean?
What does apple of one's eye mean?
What does cross your fingers mean?
What does off the hook mean?
What does pipe down mean?

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I found my sources in the encyclopedia, and the idiomsite online

Secondary Research

Idioms are a figure of speech, expressions,and slang. They also mean things that will catch your attention. The idiom stuck in the woods means you're on punishment for a long time. The idiom bite your tongue means to stop talking. The idiom cross your fingers means to hope for something to happen the way you want. The idiom off the hook means you're not in trouble anymore.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Research Plan

I am going to answer these questions by using sources the encyclepedia or use some websites on the internet. I will interview three people.

My Research Question(s)

What do these idioms mean? :

  • at sixes or sevens
  • apple of ones eye
  • beat around the bush
  • behind the eight ball
  • all thumbs
  • bite the bullet
  • blow hot or cold
  • blarney
  • beyond the pale
  • baker's dozen

My Research Goal(s)

I want to know what more of these idioms mean because I don't think most of the idioms people speak mean anything.

My Language Beliefs

I don't think people need to use idioms all the time. Some people might not know what some of the idioms mean. I came up with this belief because I her people speak idioms all the time.